I love photography, I am grateful to have the greatest job in the world, and I work my ass off for my clients.  I came to photography after successful careers in IT consulting and the courtroom as a litigator.  As a former US Army soldier, I appreciate the service of others (which is why I offer discounts to military and first responders).  I come from New York City and have lived there, as well as in Texas, Oklahoma, California, and Switzerland, so I feel at home in a multicultural setting (and have conversational skills in French, Spanish, and Russian).

What does this mean for you?  It means that as a professional photographer, I am always learning ways to improve my skill set and deliver epic pictures.  It means I come ready for whatever the situation is, whether it’s a stormy day causing a wedding to retreat inside or culturally significant moments in a ceremony that must be treated with deference when photographed.  It means you can rely on me not to meet your expectations, but to exceed them.

Personally, I have been married to the love of my life for 20+ years, raised three great kids, love my dogs and cat, and thank God every morning for another day on this earth with you all.  I am always ready for a decent cup of coffee or a good beer.  I have faith that before I die I will see the New York Giants win another Super Bowl.  Hey, careful, man, there’s a beverage here.